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This is the one and only Jaica Monique Celiz!This girl loves chatting but she's a very silent girl. She loves to surf the net and blogging. She also loves the colors red,green,pink, and purple.

Sing it.

Night School

Resources © 1 2 3 4 5
Thursday, June 25, 2009


A closer look to his wardrobe closet
This section has for only purpose to recall and record every of Kaname's outfit through the manga. It's a bit hard because there's no great amount of full-body scenes and colors are just black/white so....it's just complicated.
Colors usually associated with Kuran Kaname are white, black (no wonders here XD), bloody red and silver.
But either be in casual outfits or uniform, Kaname keeps on looking so good *glomps*

We've seen Kaname in his school uniform, in some casual clothes, and thanks to Hino Matsuri's hand, we've even been able to catch a little bit of kaname's not fully dressed! :D

Sincerely, who could resist his charm just after Kaname taking a shower....I mean, just look at him! This is what I call an eye-candy just for fangirls to just melt where they are standing XD.

And this oh god blessed sexy expression....He was just about to slap Aidou but heck this one looks awesome.
Unfortunately, it's not quite given to have Kaname in the shower (damn you Zero!) however, I hope the author will draw something alike...soon. <3>

posted at : 7:35 AM

Vampire Knight (A description and little candle about this puzzled story)
Vampire Knight primarily takes place in Kurosu/Cross Academy, a prestigious private school with an unusual class structure.
The student body is divided into two classes: the Day Class, which is made up of ordinary students, and the Night Class, an elite group of 'beautiful people'. However unbeknownst to the majority of students, and even most of the school day staff, the Night Class is made up entirely of vampires.
The reason A coexistance experiment and peace treaty between the blood-suckers race and humans.
It is well knows that for centuries, vampires and humans have been torned in neverending bloody conflicts. This is why Chairman Kurosu wants a kindhearted and still misterious character, made a deal with the Vampire hunters and Vampires and opened his Cross Academy where both humans and night-walkers can learn to live together in peace.
The heroine and school chairman's adopted daugther , Yuki Kurosu, is one of the few humans who know the school's secret. Under her Day-Class Prefect title she ,in fact, serves as a Guardian, dedicated to maintaining the peaceful coexistance of the Day and Night Classes with her childhood friend Zero Kiriyuu, who lost his family to vampires at an early age and also count with hidden secrets to be revealed.

posted at : 6:52 AM

Another Bio of Kaname-senpai

Character Profile: Kaname Kuran

USA Info
Japanese Info

Kaname Kuran Kaname Clan(玖蘭 枢)

Pureblood Vampire/Level A Pureblood Vampire/Level A
Male Male
Maybe about 23 years old Maybe about 23 years old
Brown Brown
Deep red-brown(source: manga) Deep red-brown(source: manga)
6'0" 184 cm


"Yuki is my dear girl. The only one in the entire world." "Yuki is my dear girl. The only one in the entire world."

Daisuke Kishio
Episode 1 Episode 1
Vampire Knight Vampire Knight

Kaname's Age

Originally I was told that Kaname was 18 years old. However, someone else then pointed out that he was a teenager when he saved 5 year old Yuki. So if she is 15 now, and he was lets say 13 at the time, then he would be about 23 now. So... does anyone know the truth here? Was he really a teenager when he rescued Yuki?

posted at : 5:11 AM

Yuuki Cross

Yuuki Cross (黒主 優姫)The adoptive daughter of the headmaster of Cross Academy, Yuuki is a member of the school's disciplinary committee (public morals committee in Japanese), which is the 'front' for the Guardians. Ten years prior to the events of "Vampire Knight," Yuuki was attacked by a vampire, but was rescued by Kaname. She has lost all memory of her life before the attack, and Headmaster Cross took her in as his own daughter. Yuuki loves Kaname, and even though she has witnessed his vampiric nature when he bit Ruka, she still couldn't stop loving him. However, she has also started to let Zero, a childhood friend, drink her blood, hoping to save him from madness. Yuuki is cheerful and easygoing, and thanks to her work as a Guardian she is good at keeping her cool in sticky situations. There have been hints that she is special, given that vampires are especially drawn to her blood. Her weapon of choice is the "Artemis Rod," an extensible staff she received from Headmaster Cross.

posted at : 4:46 AM

Yuuki and Kaname
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yuki & Kaname

As the first year Day Class student and school guardian at Cross Academy,Yuuki Cross shows a strong personality. The bond Yuuki develops towardsKaname Kuran is deep and important to her. She doesn’t seem shocked when she learns Kaname is a Pureblood, she thinks it won’t change her opinion of him. After all, she admires and idolizes him. Kaname loves Yuuki more than anything in the world. He is always protecting Yuuki and deems her as the most important person in the world to him. He has said many times that Yuuki is “his dear girl”. Juri and Haruka were said to have committed suicide, but Kaname reveals that they were really murdered. When they died, Kaname was forced into the care of Asato Ichijo. But he just wants to use Kaname for his own purposes. This made Kaname ditch his guards and run away from it often. When Kaname had saved Yuuki from a Level E when she was 6 years old, he brought her to his friend Chairman Cross. The Chairman handed her a plate of pudding, but she just sniffed and poked it. Kaname picked up the spoon and tried to feed her, but when he tried to do so, Yuuki saw his fangs. She reached up with her fingers and touched them. She became scared as she remembered the Level E that attacked her. Sadden by the fact that Yuuki had become frightened of him, he leaves to calm her down. A week later, he receives a message from the Chairman that said Yuuki had been attacked by vampires. He rushes over only to realize that he had been tricked. The Chairman then excitedly points out that Yuuki had dressed herself, even though the clothes were on wrong. Kaname falls into a fit of laughter as Yuuki covers her head, leaving her bottom out. She then looks out at Kaname as he gets a hold of himself. He then apologizes for scaring her, as he’s leaving he says “bye bye”. But as he is trying to leave, she grabs hold of his coat saying her first word, “Kana…me! Kaname!” Yuuki and Kaname become very close, as she would always run to him to greet him. But the arrival of Zero and the making of the Night Class both made them get separated from each other very often. Since he’s feared by the other vampires because he’s a Pureblood and because Yuuki had all of her memories when she was 5 years old erased, he’s often very lonely. Few people are close to him. Before her memories were erased, Yuuki was hidden away because the Vampire Council was trying to use Purebloods for their own purpose and because Rido was also a threat. Before her memories were erased, Yuuki never saw the outside world. Ever since she was a child, Kaname always kept an eye on her, watching her every step. She is so important to him, that he often visited the Chairman’s house to check on her well being. Yuuki cares about Kaname so much, her heart beats like crazy when he’s around her. She loves Kaname while he himself adores and cherishes her.

However once more, Kaname is a vampire and what is more important, a pureblood. He cannot allow himself to step closer to Yuuki and risk to hurt her... or even curse her forever by drinking her blood. This one fact demonstrates just how important Yuuki is to Kaname, but it does not hold. As danger settles in on the academy, Kaname feels that the way to keep the always-in-danger Yuuki from being more of a vulnerability than needed is to reveal her true nature as a pureblood.

posted at : 8:21 AM

Bio :]
Kaname Kuran (玖蘭枢)
A pureblood vampire. He saved Yuuki from an attack by another vampire when she was little. Kaname is the class president of the Night Class, much feared and respected by the other Night Class students. While he is cold and authoritative towards his fellows in the Night Class, he is always kind and sweet to Yuuki. He has shown that he cares deeply for Yuuki ever since he saved her, and loves her in a romantic sense.

posted at : 8:18 AM